created in collaboration with the students of the Istituto Artigianelli of Trento
Beginning in the 1520s, the Kingdom of Spain operated a number of missions throughout New Spain
(composed of Mexico and part of the Southwestern United States)
in order to easily colonize these lands.
The missions were located in an area of the Sonoran Desert called Pimería Alta.
Today this area is divided between the Mexican state of Sonora and the US state of Arizona.
Eusebio Chini was born in Segno, a town in the Val di Non, in Trentino,
on August 10, 1645.
He studies at the Jesuit College in Trento, then at that
of Hall (Innsbruck), where, however, he falls seriously ill.
Supported by the strong desire to enter the Society of Jesus,
he prays to St. Francis Xavier for his recovery,
promising him to follow his vocation and become a priest
besides missionary.
Recovered from his illness on November 20, 1665
he therefore fulfills his vow and enters the Society of Jesus.
He adds to his first name that of Francesco,
saint to whom he is convinced he owes his life.
The Fathers Superior, solicited by his constant requests,
they decide to send him as a missionary to New Spain.
Legacy of Padre Kino:
We have produced only 700 bottles for this collection divided as follows:
Inkino Brut: 200 bottles, Inkino Nature: 200 bottles, Inkino Rosè Extra Brut: 200 bottles, Inkino Riserva Carlo V: 100 bottles.
Each bottle is numbered and delivered in a special box
with certificate of authenticity.
Inkino Trentodoc Brut
“New Spain”
After three months at sea, Padre Kino docked at Veracruz, Mexico in the spring of 1681.
From 1683 to 1685 he sailed to Baja California and explored it as Royal Chaplain and Cosmographer, a task which combined that of astronomer, geographer and cartographer.
Over time, the accuracy with which he measures latitudes and distances allows him to create ever more precise maps.
In total, the geographical maps made by Padre Kino and preserved to this day are about thirty. These are cartographic works full of information and details, not leaving out minor geographical elements such as extinct volcanoes, water springs, indigenous villages and tribal names.
In February 1687 his life took a decisive turn; he must head for the Pimerìa Alta (northeast of the Rio Sonora).
€ 29,00
€ 29,00
Inkino Trentodoc Rosè Extra Brut
“Father on a Horseback”
He forges and determines the economic development of a sun-scorched desert land. Makes many exploratory trips north as far as the Rio Colorado,
providing scientific proof that California is a peninsula.
A rough calculation of his expeditions results in a total of 12,800 km traveled on horseback through the Sonoran desert.
Following the circumnavigation of the globe (1580) by the English navigator Francis Drake, California is cartographically represented as an island, even if it is still unexplored.
Padre Kino will discover Baja California in several expeditions.
€ 31,00
€ 31,00
Inkino Trentodoc Nature
“Missions in the desert”
In the Sonoran desert, Father Kino traveled extensively, founding missions and meeting indigenous tribes.
He dedicated his efforts to help the Pima Natives (people who inhabit the Pimería Alta) to improve their daily and spiritual life. He was always by their side, defending them from the abuses of the conquerors, he taught them cattle breeding and new forms of cultivation.
The Pima are the American Indians who live in the slice of territory between Arizona, in the United States and the state of Sonora in Mexico.
€ 34,00
€ 34,00
Inkino Trentodoc Riserva Carlo V
“1529 Charles V Emperor”
Herald of the Chini family.
An ancestor had received a noble title from Emperor Charles V in 1529.
Our Inkino Trentodoc Riserva Carlo V is a tribute to the Emperor.
€ 51,00
€ 51,00
He died at midnight on March 15, 1711, in Magdalena (Mexico), as he had lived:
“in peace and in poverty, on the edge of something much greater” (P. Charles W. Polzer)
We have produced only 700 bottles for this collection divided as follows:
Inkino Brut: 200 bottles, Inkino Nature: 200 bottles, Inkino Rosè Extra Brut: 200 bottles, Inkino Riserva Carlo V: 100 bottles.
Each bottle is numbered and delivered in a special box
with certificate of authenticity.
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A special thanks to the Istituto Artigianelli of Trento
for the design and production of the labels
Credits: Associazione culturale P. Eusebio F. Chini – SEGNO,,
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